• DIYAR AHMAD BLEEJ Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Keywords: Relative Humidity:, Time Series:, Mann-Kendall:, Sens Slope:, Duhok:


      Studding the trend analysis in climatic variables and evaluating their statistical significance in recent times are the great evidence of climate change availability. In this study, Parametric linear regression and nonparametric Mann-Kendall test were employed for detecting the seasonal and annual trends in Relative Humidity (RH) time series at seven stations in Duhok province in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The annual RH results indicate a decreasing trend at all stations except Duhok station, whereas the significance trend was observed at Mangesh station by (-0.144 %/year). The seasonal analysis shows a significant decreasing trend in RH at Akre and Amedy stations during summer season, the trends was negative at most of stations. The parametric and nonparametric results were identical at most stations especially at Duhok station, which is the annual value increased by (0.07%/year).


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How to Cite
BLEEJ, D. A. (2020). TREND ANALYSIS IN RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF DUHOK PROVINCE OF IRAQ. Journal of Duhok University, 23(1), 1-10.
Pure and Engineering Sciences