هەولێن ئەمریکا بۆ ناڤبژیوانیکرنێ دناڤبەرا (پ.د.ک) و (ی.ن.ک) دماوێ شەرێ نافخۆیی دا ل هەرێما کوردستانێ-عیراق 1994-1998

  • HAIHAT ZAEEM ABDULLAH Dept. of History, College of Humanities, University of Suhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • NADHIM YOUNIS OTHMAN Dept. of History, College of Humanities, University of Suhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Keywords: Diplomats, KDP, PUK, dialogue, agreement.


This research is an analysis to the US state department attempts in 1994 to 1998 to reconcile and resolve the civil war problem in Kurdistan Region. At the beginning, US attempts were in the form of messages which contained alarming and threatening. After the war expanded and the relationship between (PUK) and (KDP) went zero, Iraq and Iran took benefit from this gap to take control over Kurdistan. However, US stronger came to Kurdistan but due to their insistence on their projects US invites them to many rounds of dialogue to abroad such Drogheda, Dublin, Ankara and London. At the end, in Washington at the presence of Madeleine Albright the general reconciliation is signed.

It is important for the history readers of this era some questions to be answered such as what were the factors of US to mediate between (PUK) and (KDP)?. Why did not US use its pressure cards at the beginning?. What were the weakness and insufficiency of US Attempts?.

The paper depends on the writing historical research methodology which after collecting information and comparing them and choosing the most reliable information. Then lists the historical events which begins in 1994 to 1998 which the research ends with. Finally, The paper concludes that US was the only country to maintain peace and stability in Kurdistan Region.


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مجلە ئالای ئیسلام
گۆڤارا گوڵان
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جريدة الحياة اللندنية
جريدة الجمهورية العراقية

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The Christian Science Monitor
The Guardian
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The Time
Turkish Daily News
Turkish probe
دوازدە : سایتێن ئینترنێتێ‌:-
How to Cite
ABDULLAH , H. Z., & OTHMAN, N. Y. (2023). هەولێن ئەمریکا بۆ ناڤبژیوانیکرنێ دناڤبەرا (پ.د.ک) و (ی.ن.ک) دماوێ شەرێ نافخۆیی دا ل هەرێما کوردستانێ-عیراق 1994-1998. Journal of Duhok University, 26(1), 1280-1305. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2023.26.1.78
Humanities and Social Sciences