• ARAS AHMED ALI *College of Information Technology, University College of Goizha- Iraq
  • KANAAN MIKAEL KAKA-KHAN **,***College of Science and Technology, University of Human Development- Iraq
  • ISRAA AL-CHALABI ***College of Natural Science, Sakarya University, Sakarya- Turkey
Keywords: Chatbot, Rule-Based, AIML, Tourist Guide


The tourism industry heavily relies on effective communication, guidance, and assistance to ensure a positive experience for travelers. With the advent of technology, chatbots have emerged as a popular solution for providing aid and direction to tourists. This research paper presents a comprehensive exploration of the design and implementation of a cutting-edge chatbot tailored for tourist guidance, leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML). The case study focuses on Sulaimani City, wherein a robust dataset comprising 352 meticulously crafted questions and corresponding answers was curated. The developed chatbot model was then seamlessly integrated and deployed on a dedicated test website, enabling real users to interact and engage with it. To gauge the efficacy of the model, a multifaceted evaluation encompassing user satisfaction, accuracy, and response type was conducted. The results unequivocally demonstrate that the AIML-based chatbot surpassed the performance of traditional web-based tourist guides, achieving higher levels of user satisfaction. However, one notable limitation of this research is the use of a small-scale dataset, potentially affecting the chatbot's real-world performance and generalizability. This pioneering research underscores the immense potential of chatbot technology as an indispensable tool for delivering comprehensive and reliable tourist information, thereby revolutionizing the tourism industry.




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