( شروڤه كرن و‌چاره سه ریا شاشیێن خالبهن دیێ و‌رێنڤیسێ د‌زمانێ ‌راگه هاندنێدا ( رۆژناما ئه ڤرۆ وه ك‌ نموونه

  • SULAIMAN HISHYAR MOHAMMAD ept. of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok
  • SULAIMAN ISMAIL RAJAB ept. of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, University of Duhok
Keywords: language of media, spelling, punctuation, spelling and punctuation errors


The lack of a unified dictation system among all classes of society today created a major
problem for the Kurdish dictation system, especially in the field of education, and this problem
appears more clearly in the form and technique of writing. The lack of a strong linguistic center
to supervise this thing facilitated that each party, according to their personal information,
change the form of writing and use it according to their desire, or that the language of the media
often does not pay attention to the language and the laws of the language, and the goal is that
their main purpose is to deliver the message to readers in a simple and fast manner. Therefore,
the language side is neglected, even though the language of the media is a powerful tool for
preserving and developing the language because in the easiest way, all parts of society can
benefit from new words and terms provided that this language is free of grammatical and
spelling errors. That is why this language must be analyzed academically and accurately, and
acceptable and normative examples must be shown and become a basis for the development of
the language. This research is an academic scientific attempt to determine the correct and
scientific principles of a correct spelling system in terms of dictation and technique


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How to Cite
MOHAMMAD, S. H., & RAJAB, S. I. (2020). ( شروڤه كرن و‌چاره سه ریا شاشیێن خالبهن دیێ و‌رێنڤیسێ د‌زمانێ ‌راگه هاندنێدا ( رۆژناما ئه ڤرۆ وه ك‌ نموونه . Journal of Duhok University, 23(2), 148-168. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2020.23.2.9
Humanities and Social Sciences