• HANEEN ISLAM SALEEM Dept. of EnglishLanguages, College of languages, University of Duhok
  • HAKAR HAZIM M.AMEEN Dept. of EnglishLanguages, College of languages, University of Duhok


The current study investigates the essential strategies of turn taking of conversations from an analytical point of view. The data were collected from everyday conversations, namely face to face conversations, of some students of Duhok University to identify the basic structures of talk in interactions in Krmanji Kurdish. Stenstrom theory (1994) has been chosen for studying the strategies of turn taking of casual conversation in Kurdish. The current study analyses the Badini Kurdish students (4 participants) in conversations. The study concludes that conversations are not always produced in a typical way. Some actions happen in conversation when participants communicate about topics. Participants constantly try to switch turns and therefore change from their roles as listeners to speakers, topic initiators to topic followers. Also, interrupting each other to take turns, or waiting till the other interacts and finishes his/her talk. Moreover, Hearers could make some sounds or signs to indicate that they are listening to the speakers


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كيفية الاقتباس
SALEEM , H. I., & M.AMEEN, H. H. (2021). TURN TAKING STRATEGIES IN KURDISH CASUAL CONVERSATION. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 24(1), 355-364. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2021.24.1.17
Humanities and Social Sciences