• AREEJ M. ABDULWAHAB Dept. of Architectural, College of Engineering, University of AL-Mustansiriyah-Iraq
  • SHAIMAA M. HAMZA Dept. of Architectural, College of Engineering, University of AL-Mustansiriyah-Iraq


Transportation is the most sector vitality in the city, and represents more sectors polluting, as it represents the ratio of pollution resulting from it by more than 65% of the total pollution in the city, and has negative effects on human health and community and other organisms, as well as their impact on the degradation, distortion and extinction urban interfaces especially heritage and archaeological buildings.

Sustainable transport is one of transition strategies towards sustainable cities that adopt modern trends such as Smart Growth and New Urbanism etc., which aims to provide:

- Providing quality of life for urban environment and free of polluting emissions.

- Providing suitable transportation modes, and taking into account the social, environmental, economic and physical dimensions of society.

- Sustainable transport gives priority to use of non-motorized transport modes (pedestrians, cyclists) in mobility as well as public transport (metro, tram, and bus etc.).

The search study of Mexico City experience, which adoption of sustainable transport to solve the pollution problem in the city by applying the policies most important to increase the number of lanes metro and public transport buses, and replacement of transport modes by other non-polluting and accommodate larger numbers of passengers and other policies, where application of these policies to improve the city's environment by providing and improving public transport, reduce number of private cars, and encourage transport modes is automated.

Suggested search sustainable transport adoption in Karbala city to importance of religious and historical city and prepare a set of proposals to reduce pollution in the city and organize and coordinate proposals plan and a design. the most important proposals are: city center proposals by emphasizing pedestrian traffic and use of public transport in transfer of visitors to city center and use of intelligent transport. As well as public transport proposals to establish a special public transport pathways inside residential neighborhoods.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Pure and Engineering Sciences