• MAYSALOON SHAMAN SAEED Dept. of radiology, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, , Kurdistan Region -Iraq
  • BAREEN NAJEB MOHAMMED Dept. of radiology, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, , Kurdistan Region -Iraq
  • SOHAIB HASAN ALI Dept. of radiology, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, , Kurdistan Region -Iraq


First trimester vaginal bleeding  has been considered as one of the commonest obstetrical and gynecological emergencies estimated in 20-25 % of all obstetrical emergencies all over the world. The aim of this study was the use of  ultrasonic (US) imaging  to identify the commonestcauses of  first trimester vaginal bleeding , finding  their incidence in primigravida and multigravida pregnant women , detecting the most frequent mean age of occurrence according to gestational age in weeks , looking for the incidence of  viable and nonviable pregnancy among them , detecting  their relations with a  bad obstetrical history and finally estimating the disparity between clinical and ultrasonic diagnosis  .

Patients and Methods: This study is a  cross sectional study that has been done on one hundred  thirteen pregnant women  presented with vaginal bleeding in their  first trimester of pregnancy, attending Azadi Teaching Hospital and Duhok Maternity Hospital from 1stJune to 22th  of   November (2019 ). All patients were clinically referred byspecialized clinicians and subjected to ultrasound examination and examined under supervision of specialized radiologists.

Results: The mean age of  the examined patients was29.4±5.9 years, multigravida were more than primigravida constituting  (81.4%) of the cases compared with the primigravidawhich constituted (18.6%) of the cases ,  regarding the gestational age of these referred cases most of them were between 6-8 weeks of gestational Age (GA) with the mean 8.2±1.6 weeks. The prevalence ofnon-viable pregnancy constituting (67.3%) and the most common cause of vaginal bleeding was miscarriage (84.1%). The next frequent reason was ectopic pregnancy (6.2%) subsequently hydatiformmole (3.5%). The most common subtype of miscarriage was threatened miscarriage (32.7%). Among all the patients, thewhole difference between ultrasound diagnosis and medical diagnosis were found in 72 patients. Consequently, (63%) wasthe whole accurateness of clinical diagnosis while ultrasound accuracy was (100%).


Ultrasound examination  for  the cases who are complaining from the first trimester vaginal bleeding ishelpful in confirming and  detecting the different causes behind this bleeding,in addition  to allow an early detection  and more confident early obstetrical  management with less subsequent complications


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
SAEED, M. S., MOHAMMED, B. N., & ALI , S. H. (2022). ULTRASONIC ASSESSMENT OF THE FIRST TRIMESTER VAGINAL BLEEDINGIN DUHOK CITY / KURDISTAN REGION OF IRAQ. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 25(1), 113-123. https://doi.org/10.26682/sjuod.2022.25.1.14
Pure and Engineering Sciences