• MAAMOON A. MOHAMMED Dept. of Peace and Human Rights Studies, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region – Iraq


In any post-conflict situation like Kurdistan region, the youth contribution to peace is especially important since rebuilding a state needs to be an inclusive process. Not only is social exclusion recognized as a widespread cause of escalation of violence, but young people’s participation has great potential, not least for ensuring sustainability. However, while youth are widely recognized as agents of disruption, little is known about their contribution to peacebuilding, nor how to encourage and maximize their potential. Using a theoretical framework based on current theories of violence, human needs and agency, this study discusses the role of young people in community peacebuilding in Dohuk Governorate.

Using questionnaires and interviews with a range of stakeholders, the paper focuses on the question: what are young peoples’ priorities and what do they need to develop their potential for peacebuilding in the community? It identifies practical opportunities for youth to realize community peacebuilding activities and discusses how effective their existing initiatives are. It then focuses on the challenges that youth face in seeking to contribute, including demographic issues, corruption, lack of suitable space and activities, and lack of appropriate support from donor and government institutions, noting how ethnicity, gender and youth issues can compound challenges.

The outcomes demonstrate that, while young people recognize the need for social cohesion among different ethnic groups and community peacebuilding, they face many deeply embedded cultural and structural challenges. In particular, young females face more resistance than males, regarding both how they are perceived and their more restrictive circumstances.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of LWF. This research was supported by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).


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كيفية الاقتباس
MOHAMMED, M. A. (2023). THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN PEACEBUILDING IN DOHUK. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 26(1), 608-623.
Humanities and Social Sciences