The Impact of Social Media upon the Kurdish Language

  • Chiman Nizamaddin Mahmud پشكا زمانىَ كوردى،كوليژا په روةردا بنيات، زانكؤيا دهوك، هةريَما كوردستانيَ – عيراق
Keywords: گەهاندنا جڤاکی, زمانێ کوردی, شێوەزارێ بادینی, کارتێکرنا ل سەر زمانی


The most important feature of our present time of advancement and privacy is the emerge of social networks all over the world, which began to spread the exchange of science and knowledge, it became very easy for people all over the world to communicate and exchange information through these networks that broke all borders,distance,space and time.Social networking sites and websites have become important needs of humans and have greatly influenced the behavior of “sender and receiver” users because they are free to discuss and publish the topics they choose according to their wishes and hobbies. In this paper, we discussed the influence of the social networks on the Kurdish language – the badin dialect, according to the levels of language “phonology, morphology and grammer” within the analytical. descriptive approach in social linguistics. The research tools have included “emails in social networking sites such as facebook, instagram, you tube, snap chat and messenger, besides the topics that are presented and criticized, as well as the questions posed by the sender and the answers to them by the receivers. The main objective of this research is to identify the problems faced the Kurdish language and the obstacles that prevent the spread of correct and the original language in social networking sites. The research consists of two chapters. The first deals with the theoretical aspect of the subject in general, such as the definition of “ the internet, the social network, the characteristics and types of these networks, and the positive and negative aspects of social networking sites. The second chapter dealt with the practical aspect, which includes the influence of social networks on phonological, morphological, and grammer in the Kurdish language. In conclusion, the must important findings with a summary of the research in Kurdish, Arabic and English will be presented.


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How to Cite
Nizamaddin Mahmud, C. (2019). The Impact of Social Media upon the Kurdish Language. Journal of Duhok University, 21(2), 52-77.