سةقامطيرييا سياسى و رؤلىَ دةستهةلاتا تةشريعى د بةرقراركرنا وىَ دا

  • * RENAS JANO MOHAMMAD *College of Political Science, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • **JOTYAR M. R. SEDEEQ **Dept. of Peace and Human Rights Studies, College of Humanities, University of Duhok,


There is a significant correlation between the presence of a legislative body and the stability of the political systems. Given that the legislature holds a central role in shaping policies, it occasionally adopts a primarily ceremonial function within the political system. However, the strength and effectiveness of the legislative authority depends on whether this authority has an institutional character. When the legislative body is institutional, its influence on the political system increases. This study argues that the process of developing and institutionalizing political institutions is a necessary component to achieving and maintaining political stability. The study concludes that the legislative authority that meets the institutionalization criteria, which are independence, the quality of legislative procedures, and the complexity and integration, makes it an institutionalized body that clearly affects the achievement of political stability in the state.


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كيفية الاقتباس
MOHAMMAD, * R. J., & SEDEEQ, **JOTYAR M. R. (2023). سةقامطيرييا سياسى و رؤلىَ دةستهةلاتا تةشريعى د بةرقراركرنا وىَ دا. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 26(2), 977-1017. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2023.26.2.58
Humanities and Social Sciences