Hollywood Films are a Dramatic Embodiment of the Long-Term US Foreign Policy Plan: An Analytical Study of Films Preceded the Real Events

  • Muhammed Sabree Saleh university of duhok


    Hollywood produces more than 60% of the world total production of films, series and programmers. Nevertheless, there is a striking phenomenon represented by the production and marking of narrative films dealing with presumably imaginary events related to other countries and communities .what is suspicious is that there are number of films which are actually realized after years of their production to a great extent of similarity as if these films foreshadow futuristic event which have net taken place yet. If the coincidence for once accept the idea of coincidence, it is very difficult to accept the idea of coincidence with the most dangerous events in the world. Such events shaked communities, resulted in wars and led to horrible consequences in many strategic places such as Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the events of September 11.

The researcher hypothesizes that there is a hidden relationship between the production of such films and U .S. Foreign policy plans. The research aims at revealing this relationship hypothesizing that Hollywood submits to CIA, S programmes and agendas and that Hollywood embodies these programmes dramatically. The researcher has analyzed three narrative films as samples and compared them with the real events in order to arrive at logical conclusions excluding the idea of coincidence and supporting the hypothesis that dramatic production in Hollywood is based on intelligence idea to prepare the psychological atmosphere and public mood for the events which harmonize with the American Foreign policy aims till such events come true after being presented for years as imaginary films. 




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Sabree Saleh, M. (2019). Hollywood Films are a Dramatic Embodiment of the Long-Term US Foreign Policy Plan: An Analytical Study of Films Preceded the Real Events. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 21(2), 313-340. استرجع في من https://journal.uod.ac/index.php/uodjournal/article/view/306