• MOHAMMAD KHALAF RAHIM AL-JUAIFARI *Dept. Of computer science, College of Computer Science and Math ,University of Kufa, Najaf- Iraq
  • ALIH. ALI ATHARI ** Dept. Of Communication and Electronics, College of Engineering, University of Kufa,Najaf- Iraq


Future Human Activity Prediction holds significant importance as it enables early detection and monitoring of various aspects, such as elderly care, early fall detection systems, smart-home applications, and E-health monitoring.

A pioneering approach has been developed to achieve this, incorporating the Wavelet transform preprocessing technique for dimensional reduction through signal decomposition. This is followed by the implementation of a deep learning model supported by time series data, enabling real-time monitoring of physical activity.

A novel method has been proposed based on wearable sensor data sources, employing LSTM and time series models, and applied with MHEALTH Dataset. This dataset comprises 12 complex activities and sensor-based devices, ensuring the privacy of patients or participants in real-life scenarios. The results demonstrate that the predicted activity of five steps with an accuracy level for the next day’s activity achieved an accuracy of 98%, surpassing the accuracy and complexity compared with state-of-the-art methods.






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كيفية الاقتباس
AL-JUAIFARI, M. K. R., & ATHARI , A. A. (2023). FUTURE HUMAN ACTIVITY PREDICTION USING WAVELET AND LSTM. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 26(2), 541 - 550. https://doi.org/10.26682/csjuod.2023.26.2.49