• SAMIRA HASSAN YOUSIF university of duhok
  • KURDISTAN HASSAN YOUSIF Dept. of Basic science, College of Agriculture, University of DuhokKurdistan Region - Iraq
  • SANA MOHAMMAD SALIH Dept. of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq


The study was carried out during the 2017-2018, fall growing season in the college of Agriculture, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan region, Iraq.In order to determine the effects of effect of bread yeast with concentration (0, 2 and 4g.L) and humic acid with two concentration (9 and 18m.L)on growth and yield of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) local cultivars which  were grown in the field.Results showed that the broad bean were good in vegetative growth characters, quality and yield characteristic when spraying plant with (18m.L-1) compared with other treatments. Best results in total chlorophyll content (47 SPAD) when using humic acid at (9m.L-1).  Significant increase shown in leaf area in plant spraying with (18.L-1) of humic acid which record (6.66cm2) higher number of (leaves .plant-1) shown in plant sprayed with (9m.L) that gave (900 leaf.plant-1), Total weight of pod (g.plant-1) were showed in plant treated with (18m.L) of humic acid that gave (1073.33g.plant). Results also showed significant different in the nodule length and number of it that recorded in plants spraying with (18m.L) of humic acid which recorded (13.33mm and 20 nodules .plant--1) respectively. Mineral contents (NPK), showed high percentages which were (1.88, 0.76 and 0.76%) respectively when treating plant with (18m.L-1) of humic acid, compared to the untreated plant with humicacid which gave lower percentages.


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كيفية الاقتباس
HASSAN YOUSIF, S., HASSAN YOUSIF, K., & MOHAMMAD SALIH, S. (2019). EFFECT OF BREAD YEAST ANDHUMICACID ON GROWTH AND YIELD TRAITS ON BROAD BEAN (Vicia Faba L.). مجلة جامعة دهوك, 22(1), 98-1`06. https://doi.org/10.26682/avuod.2019.22.1.10
Agriculture and Veterinary Science