• AREE ABDULKHALEQ Dept. of Forestry, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • HISHIAR SAEED Dept. of Forestry, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • HONAR SAFAR MAHDI Dept. of Recreation and Ecotourism,College of Agriculture, University of Duhok,Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • SAMI YOUSSEF AMAP (botany and Modelling of Plant Architecture and vegetation), University of Montpelier -France


From the past decades, carbon dioxide emissions have been dramatically increased and concentrate in atmosphere mainly due to human activities. This disastrous situation was a huge concern on the increasing the atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions inside urban areas and it became a challenge to the public health worldwide, as well as, its main cause of rising climate changes. Hence, the present project study tempted to address the important role of the urban vegetation for air quality. Here, we report the carbon dioxide capture by two urban tree species frequently planted (Morus nigra L.) and/or naturally occurred (Salix alba L.)in Duhok governorate areas and almost in all towns and cities of the Kurdistan Region.The results of this study showed a variation between Salix alba and M. nigra trees species in term of ratio dry/wet biomass, the carbon sequestration net and the annual CO2 sequestration capacity. The main findings of this research were the annual carbon content quantification for common tree species grown in Duhok city: for white willow was (23 kg) and for black mulberry was (15 kg). Compare with, for some other trees that been done in previous studies for Pinus brutia, Eucalyptus camaldulesnsis, Quercus aegilops, and Cupressuss empervirens were 44.95, 38, 33.93 and 17.2 respectively. These results can be considered as an initial step to decrease the level of carbon dioxide emissions by planting the native treespecies. For the first time, a site-species-specific allometric equation has been developed based on the relationship between tree volume-wood biomass extracted from true values “destructive method” of biomass quantification. Consequently, thanks to this new volume-weight equation, we can assess the important roles of urban trees in the carbon sequestration process in urban areas of the Kurdistan Region without cutting the trees can be assessed.


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