The Role of Map of Beneficial Achievement for the Costumer in diagnosing the Market Boundaries of the Organizations: A questionnaire survey of a Number of Managers in Different Productive Organizations in Duhok Province

  • Eveet Shileemon Meekho Qilo قسم إدارة السياحة والفندقة، كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد، جامعة دهوك، اقليم كوردستان-العراق


     All organizations seek to get out of the competition to lead the market in which they operate enabling them to achieve profits and establish their position and reputation among customers and markets in which they work, no doubt the organizations in their quest to achieve this goal need to delineate their market boundaries and maintain them as long as they remain in those markets. On the other hand, the diagnosis of the market boundaries of the organizations related to many factors, which receive their impact of the most prominent, which stands at the top level is the benefit achieved for the buyer or the customer products of those organizations, whether industrial or service, To measure this benefit, a number of academics and professionals working in this field have developed a number of tools, methods and techniques that enable the administrations of organizations to identify the dimensions of the benefit to the customer and perhaps the buyer benefit map among these tools.

     The current research aims to surveying the opinions of a sample of (88) managers in a number of industrial and service organizations working in Dohuk governorate towards the variables of the research through the questionnaire form, which was analyzed by the adoption of statistical programming (SPSS-V25). The main findings of the research found that there are high levels of influence of the buyer's benefit map in drawing the parameters of the market boundaries because of their ability to clearly diagnose these parameters. The research also presented a number of proposals, the most important of which is that if the respondent organizations want to differentiate their competitors, they should identify their market boundaries clearly by applying the buyer's benefit map in its various dimensions, as it is one of the latest methods adopted by contemporary organizations in achieving this.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Shileemon Meekho Qilo, E. (2019). The Role of Map of Beneficial Achievement for the Costumer in diagnosing the Market Boundaries of the Organizations: A questionnaire survey of a Number of Managers in Different Productive Organizations in Duhok Province. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 21(2), 495-519. استرجع في من