Murder in Dohuk Governorate - A study in the geography of the population

  • Mizgeen Muhammed Hassan قسم الجغرافية، كلية العلوم ألأنسانية، جامعة دهوك، اقليم كوردستان-العراق
  • Zaheedah Salman Hassan قسم الجغرافية، كلية العلوم ألأنسانية، جامعة دهوك، اقليم كوردستان-العراق
  • Suleiman Hassan Frughy قسم الجغرافية، كلية العلوم ألأنسانية، جامعة دهوك، اقليم كوردستان-العراق


Pattern diversity of crime and its occurrence in different places threaten the foundations of society, thus this research concentrated on the contribution of geography in finding solutions to the social problems experienced by society, especially the murder, which has increased rapidly in recent years, as well as a new murder can be heard every day in our society. Due to the relations of Duhok government to the security and stability of the society, this study deals with the spatial distribution and temporal development of the murder crime in Duhok Governorate. This study aims to identify the spatial distribution and temporal development of the murder in Duhok Governorate. Furthermore, it also aims to investigate the most common type of murders in Duhok Governorate. The importance of the study is due to the lack of geographical studies that shed light on the issue of murder in Duhok governorate. The research concerned the study of the crime of murder as a social phenomenon and the identification of the most important social and economic factors that affect the spatial variation of the crime in order to find a number of proposals that contribute to address this social phenomenon. The importance of this study is also revealed through the finding data and statistics about murder in Duhok province.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Muhammed Hassan, M., Salman Hassan, Z., & Hassan Frughy, S. (2019). Murder in Dohuk Governorate - A study in the geography of the population. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 21(2), 533-551. استرجع في من