• AMIN A. KHEDHER Dept. of Recreation and Ecotourism, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
  • AKRAM A. KHALAF Dept. of Soil and Water Sciences, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.


Accurate conservation and management of yellow-necked field mouse requires ecological knowledge of its habitat. In the present research study, we tried to assess the effect of some edaphic factors (soil texture, organic matter, CaCO3, bulk-, and particle densities, and porosity) as independent variables on the burrow structures (pathway length, total length, depth, and secondary entrances), as dependent variables. Regression models was carried out on 25 burrows distributed on 5 suffered locations from the species damages (Sumail, Girshin, and Faishkhabour in Duhok; and Engineering College fields, and Shawis in Erbil).

Two types of burrows (simple: only main entrance, and complex: has a main entrance and one or more secondary entrances or tunnel branches), and three types of burrow distribution (Insular, Cumulative, and Unequal) were identified in studied areas, which can be turned to the soil features and the quantity, quality as well as the distribution of food sources. The results of this study indicate the following main interaction correlations: Negative correlations have been found between organic matter and porosity; (silt) 4 positively correlated with pathway length; organic matter and bulk density negatively- but (silt) 3 and CaCO3 positively correlated with total length; the number of secondary entrances and sand positively- while CaCO3 and bulk density negatively correlated with the depth; sand and silt positively- but CaCO3 and porosity negatively correlated with the number of secondary entrances. Pearson correlation coefficients showed the strongest positive correlation between the total length and pathway length, as well as between clay and organic matter; and the strongest negative correlation between bulk density and porosity.

Our findings could provide additional habitat information for integrating management tools, with a particular focus on the relationships between effective dependent and independent factors


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كيفية الاقتباس
AMIN A. KHEDHER, & AKRAM A. KHALAF. (2020). EFFECT OF SOME EDAPHIC FACTORS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF YELLOW-NECKED FIELD MOUSE (Apodemus flavicollis argyropuli) IN FIELD CROP BIOTOPES. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 22(2), 9-24. https://doi.org/10.26682/ajuod.2019.22.2.2
Agriculture and Veterinary Science