• SAMEERA SADEEQ FATAH Dept. of Nursing, Akre Technical Institute/ Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


Episiotomy is a surgical incision done at the end of the second stage of labor to expand the opening of the vagina to prevent tearing and injury of the perineum during the delivery of the baby. The aim of this study is to estimate the episiotomy and perineal injuries rates and the indication for episiotomy.

A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted retrospectively between the 1st of Jan. 2018 till 31 of  Dec. 2018 at Maternity Hospital in Duhok city. The data were obtained from the information in the case sheets of the women who attended this hospital for vaginal deliveries, the total number of vaginal deliveries was (12302) during that period. The results revealed that the episiotomy and perineal injuries rate was (23%), as the episiotomy rate was (14.7%) and perineal injuries rate was (8.3%) overall. The primiparous episiotomy rate was (40.3%) while  multiparous episiotomy rate was (15.8%). The primiparas women were (52.3%) of the mothers who had episiotomy and perineal injuries, their episiotomy rate was (88.1%) and the perineal injuries rate was (11.9%). While the perineal injuries were more in multiparas mothers (62%) and episiotomy rate was (38%). The main indication of episiotomy was primigravida, which was done routinely in (71.8%). The rigid perineum, previous perineal tears, previous episiotomy and previous cesarean section C/S were the indication in (11.8%) of the mothers. The low and high birth weight were the indications in (7.5%) in those who needed episiotomy.

Episiotomy and perineal injury (tear) rate was considered as acceptable rate even it is higher than what was reported in developed countries as well as the result revealed that episiotomy was minimizing the rate of perineal injury


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كيفية الاقتباس
FATAH, S. S. (2020). RATE OF EPISIOTOMY AND PERINEAL INJURIES DURING VAGINAL DELIVARIES AT MATERNITY HOSPITAL IN DUHOK CITY. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 22(2), 124-130. https://doi.org/10.26682/sjuod.2019.22.2.14
Pure and Engineering Sciences