• AL-ANI. M.A. R; ABDULMAJEED.W.A Dept. of Genetic Engineering,Agricultural Research Directorate, Biotechnology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad-Iraq
  • AL-HUSSAINI Z.A; YASEEN D. D Dept. of Genetic Engineering,Agricultural Research Directorate, Biotechnology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad-Iraq
  • JABBAR N.J. Dept. of Genetic Engineering,Agricultural Research Directorate, Biotechnology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad-Iraq
  • SHUKER KH.E Dept. of Genetic Engineering,Agricultural Research Directorate, Biotechnology Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad-Iraq


 A field comparison of different sizes of minitubers  < 2.5, 2.5- 3.5 and > 3.5 cm in vitro produced from two cultivars Emma and Bureen. yield traits and Morphological characteristic of vegetative growth were taken after 90 days of planting. In yield traits, Results showed significant differences in all these traits. Minituber of Emma at size > 3.5 cm gave higher number of tubers, diameter and weight reached 5.90 tuber plant-1 45.43 mm and 36.20 g respectively. In contrast, the ability of minitubers of Bureen at size < 2.5 cm was negatively reflected on all yield trait (3.90 tuber plant-1, 37.77 mm and 33.10 g). All morphological characteristic of vegetative growth except the percentage of chlorophyll were significantly affected by the size of the minitubers, Emma cultivar at size >3. 5 cm surpassed in Plant height, number of shoots and leaves, shoot and root fresh weight were reached 35.40 cm, 4.00 shoot, 30.40 leave, 36.82 g and 4.71g respectively. 


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
ABDULMAJEED.W.A, A.-A. M. R., YASEEN D. D, A.-H. Z., N.J., J., & KH.E, S. (2020). POTATO MINITUBERS PRODUCTION AND FIELD PERFORMANCE EVALUATION . مجلة جامعة دهوك, 22(s2), 15-20. استرجع في من https://journal.uod.ac/index.php/uodjournal/article/view/633