• NYAN KAMIL GHAFOUR Dept. of English, College of Basic Education, University of Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • SUMAYA KHALID MUSTAFA Dept. of English, College of Basic Education, University of Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Today, the market is characterized as being competitive i.e. there is a lot of competition to sell the greatest number of products in the market. Therefore, they get help from advertisements and they need to ensure that their advertising messages are excellent and indicate the advertising brand. The purpose of any advertising campaign is to make the target audience remember the transmitted message, which will eventually change the costumer’s buying habits due to the impact of advertisement on their thinking, feeling, and behavior. In this paper, the extralinguistic devices are dealt with as non-verbal communication tools to give force and power to the products in advertisements. Here, three sample advertisements of Hama Group for different products will be analyzed. Hama Group is regarded as a successful company for advertising in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG). In the analysis the frequency of the use of each device with its percentage is illustrated. Depending on the analysis of the devices used by the characters and the results, a number of points are arrived at such as facial expressions can make the addressee understand a message of a speaker without using words, the same extralinguistic devices can carry different meanings, and haptics and touching especially among opposite sexes is rare in the advertisements due to Kurdish cultural norms.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
GHAFOUR, N. K., & MUSTAFA, S. K. (2020). EXTRA LINGUISTIC DEVICES IN COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 23(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2020.23.1.1