• KHAIRI ALI OMAR Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


The purpose of this study is to develop a feed-forward neural network (FFNN) model with back-propagation learning algorithm to predict the dissolved oxygen from water temperature and 5 days-biological oxygen demand in the Tigris River, Baghdad-Iraq. The Artificial Neural Networks model was implemented utilizing measured data that were gathered from laboratories of water treatment plant, Baghdad-Iraq, during the year 2008. The correlation analysis between dissolved oxygen and dependent parameters were utilized in selecting the major inputs from water quality parameters for commencing of ANN models. The performance of ANN models were tested utilizing the coefficient of correlation (R), the efficiency coefficient of Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), mean square error (MSE) and mean absolute errors (MAE). The outputs revealed that the feed-forward neural networks using back-propagation learning algorithm which was prepared by temperature and biological oxygen demand offered a relatively high correlation coefficient of 0.885, and efficiency coefficient of 0.782, meanwhile a reasonably low mean square errors of 1.133, and mean absolute errors of 0.369 values for whole array period. The results of the present study demonstrate that the artificial neural networks using FFNN model is capable to forecast the dissolved oxygen values with acceptable accuracy. This is suggesting that the artificial neural network is a useful tool for Tigris River management in Baghdad-Iraq.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Pure and Engineering Sciences