• SHUKRi HAJI SALIH BANI Dept. of Horticulture, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Duhok University
  • HAWAA ADEEB SALIH Dept. of Horticulture, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Duhok University


This study was conducted during growing season (2019), in the nursery of the Horticulture Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Science, University of Duhok, Kurdistan region, Iraq, in Summel district, situated at western of Duhok city (8 km from Duhok city center). The study consisted the effect of spray with different concentrations of Urea (0, 1 and 2% Urea), GA3 (0, 250 and 500mg L-1) and Benzyl Adenine (BA) (0 and 150mg L-1) on some vegetative growth characteristics of peach (Prunus persica L) cv. Dixired transplants. The superior results indicated the following: the transplants spray with Urea concentrations significantly gave the best increase length of shoots, leaf area, increase number of shoots, height of transplants, also transplants spray with GA3 concentrations significantly gave the best result of increase length of shoots, leaf area, decrease number of shoots, increase height of transplants, whereas transplants spray with BA concentrations significantly gave the best result only of increase number of shoots. Generally, interaction between Urea and GA3 was significant effect on all growth parameters (increase length of shoots, leaf area, leaf dry matter, increase of stem diameter, increase number of shoots and height of transplants) and the best interaction was 1 and 2% Urea + 500mg GA3 L-1. Also the interaction between Urea and BA was significantly effected on most growth parameters (increase length of shoots, leaf area, leaf dry matter, increase number of shoots and height of transplants) and the best interaction was 2% Urea + 150mg BA L-1. Whereas the interaction between GA3 + BA was significantly effected on only two parameters (increase number of shoots and height of transplants). The triple interaction between Urea + GA3 + BA was significantly effected on all growth parameters (increase length of shoots, leaf area, leaf dry matter, increase of stem diameter, increase number of shoots and height of transplants) and the best interaction was 2% Urea + 500mg GA3 L-1 +150mg BA L-1.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Agriculture and Veterinary Science