• SAEED HAMMO AMEEN Dept. of Plant protection, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok
  • TALAL TAHER MAHMOUD Dept. of Plant protection, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok


Oriental hornet is one of the main pest to beekeeping in Iraq and other countries. Also considered as agricultural pest. Adults of Oriental hornet workers were treated with three different concentrations (7500, 5000 and 2500) mg / 4 ml (distilled water) from the insecticide Thiamethoxam 10%. The results showed slight changes in the midgut of adult wasps workers who were exposed to a minimum concentration of 2500 mg 4 / ml distilled water. And the workers exposed to lethal concentration 5000mg/4ml , exhibit less morphological alterations in the epithelium cells of midgut; cytoplasmic vacuoles, deformation of digestive cells with overlapping, disorganizing of nucleus, cytoplasmic protrusions and microvilli observed on the apical part of epithelium cells. Whereas, the Oriental hornet workers were exposed to excessive concentration which was 7500 mg 4 / ml, caused severe changes in the midgut epithelium cells compared with previous doses: uncondensed cytoplasm, nucleus elongated and shrinkage , blebs with appearance of nucleoli scattered and releases into the cytoplasm, regions with cytoplasmic vacuolization, ruptured and breaks of apical cell membrane from the top with release of cell contents into the lumen, and the nucleus condensing with pyknosis of nuclei are observed.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Agriculture and Veterinary Science