پروسا ئوپەراسیونێن ئەنفالان دژی کوردان ١٩٨٧ - ١٩٨٨ ئەنفالا هەشتان وەک میناک

  • SALIM JASIM HAJY Dept. of Political –College of Humanities, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region –Iraq


The operations of Anfal by Iraqi regime known as the highest kind of politics against Kurds, by eight stages in eight different geographical areas (zone) of Kurdistan. This operation based on destroyed and ending the “Case of Kurds”, and control all Kurdistan in 1988.
In the eighth operation of Anfal due to the importance of geographical specialized of Badinan area. Quick done this stage carrying out to ending operations under name “Khateem of Anfal – Ending of Anfal”. This stage of Anfal was different from all other stages of operations. A military plan was based on that area to do the operation of Badinan.
At the first chemical weapons was been used to make people move out from their complicate positions (mountainous areas and lands), flee toward another places and lessen the moral of Peshmarga. Tanks, Plane and more than 200.000 armed attacked eleven different areas, in the result about thousands of people killed, destroyed and replaced. Also about thousands people disperse and remand by armed force and killed in massacres. Also about ten thousands people became refuge and nomad in Turkey and Iran. Generally 663 villages have been break down, pillaged and burned.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس
HAJY, S. J. (2020). پروسا ئوپەراسیونێن ئەنفالان دژی کوردان ١٩٨٧ - ١٩٨٨ ئەنفالا هەشتان وەک میناک. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 22(S1), 214-234. https://doi.org/10.26682/chjuod.2019.22.1.9