• RABEE A. S. ORAMARI Dept.of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University Of Duhok


This study was carriedout at the private project of Maraz goats at Bamerny sub-district/Amadiya district
/Duhok governorate/Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and consists of 71 does, 8 bucks, as well as 234, 171 and 162
kids at birth, weaning and six month of age, respectively during two kidding seasons (2015-2016) and (2016-
2017). Milk traits consist of 121 records of each daily (DMY), total (TMY), pre-weaning (PRMY), peak milk
yield (PKMY) and time to peak (TPMY), and 120 records of post weaning milk yield (POMY). Animal Model
Program for single trait was used to predict the breeding value (PBV) and the real producing ability (RPA)
for animals depending on one trait and then these values were ranked in descending order for each sex for
selection. Rank correlation was calculated between estimates for both kid body weights and milk yield traits.
The average breeding values for sires, dams, male kids and female kids were 0.1322, 0.0845, 0.0369 and 0.0247
kg for birth weight and 0.9877, 0.6804, 2.0072 and -0.6406 kg for weaning weight and 1.4295, 2.0184, 3.0952
and -1.0623 kg for six-month weight, respectively. Rank correlation coefficient (P≤0.001) between the
breeding value estimates of birth weight and each of weaning weight and six-month weight were 0.36 and 0.28,
respectively and between weaning weight and six-month weight was 0.84. Also the average RPA of 71 dams
was estimated depending on their kid body weights at birth, weaning and six-months old were 0.0784, 3.7027
and 4.9492 kg, respectively. Also rank correlations coefficient were estimated between real producing ability
of birth weight and each of weaning weight and six-month weight were 0.37 and 0.26, respectively and
between weaning weight and SMWT was 0.81. In addition, the average producing ability were estimated for
71 Maraz does depending on their (DMY), (TMY), (PRMY), (PRMY), (PKMY) and (TPMY) were 0.0312, -
7.0378, -3.6234, -2.4199, 0.0477 and 0.2724 kg, respectively. Also rank correlations between real producing
ability of all milk traits have been estimated and it was significant except between TPMY and each DMY,
PRMY and PKMY, the significant correlation between RPA of milk traits assist to select the best animals and
improve the herd genetically.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Agriculture and Veterinary Science