• HONAR SAFAR MAHDI Dept. of Recreation and Ecotourism,Collage of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok


Pelargonium quercetorum Agnew is an edible wild species of Pelargonium genus which has a lot of
concern in term of ethnobotanical knowledge, nutrition value and phytochemical analysis. Traditionally,
it was providing local and rural people medicines and food security. Nowadays, wild edible plants (WEPs)
become a central action to preserve the culture that belongs to the natural heritage. Thus, the aim of this
research is to investigate ethnobotanical knowledge related to the traditions, phytochemical and
nutritional value of P. quercetorum. Semi questionnaire has been used in Deralok town for ethnobotanical
knowledge determination. The findings showed the main threats were overgrazing and overharvesting of
this WEPs; a quantity of (10kg) took per year as a food and medicines during spring season. The plant
was in a high abundance but required bio-conservation alongside it can be taken together with medication
with the very rare side effect on the people. Furthermore, the analysis part has been done in the
laboratories of college of agricultural engineering science, University of Duhok, Kurdistan region of Iraq.
The findings of this research shown interestingly the highest level contents of (fat=3.68g / 100g,
carbohydrate=46.78g /100g, dry matter moisture content=10.93g / 100g and fibers=20.56g / 100g), macro
mineral (Ca=4512.9mg / 100g and Mg=229.69mg / 100 g), micro minerals (Zn=4.398mg / 100 g,
Mn=3.926mg / 100 g and Cu=1.074mg / 100g) were seen in leaves part. But, the highest content of (Energy
value 185.44g/100g, Protein 23.38g/100g and Ash 7.63g / 100g), macro mineral (P=928.5mg / 100g,
S=4.036mg / 100g, K=1147.9mg/100g and Na= 118.54mg / 100g), micro minerals (Fe=23.779mg / 100g)
were seen in root part. Hence, the study evidence shown that this geranium species can enhance nutrition
value and food security as well as natural remedies for the local people


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كيفية الاقتباس
MAHDI, H. S. (2020). PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND ETHNOBOTANICAL KNOWLEDGE OF Pelargonium quercetorum AGNEW (Geraniaceae). مجلة جامعة دهوك, 23(2), 153-168.
Agriculture and Veterinary Science