• DILSHAD TAHA MEERO Duhok University, Kurdistan Rejoin -Iraq


The main objective of this research is to examine the mediation role of both organizational slack and
innovation climate on the effect of perceived organizational support on academic performance at the
colleges of Duhok University by using path analysis. The research reviews the contributions of researchers
on the subjects of perceived organizational support (POS), organizational slack (OS), innovation climate
(IC), and academic performance (AP). Constructing on previous studies, a set of hypotheses are
formulated to express the effect of the POS, OS, IC variables on AP variable. A sample of 181 lecturers
were selected to verify research hypotheses which have been proposed. Finally, the main conclusions of
the research are presented.
The results of the investigation reveal that the organizational slack and innovation climate variables
mediates the influence between the perceived organizational support and the academic performance and
that the indirect effect between the perceived organizational support and the academic performance was
stronger than the direct influence between them.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Humanities and Social Sciences