تحليل نسبة التصويب الناجح والفاشل من المناطق المختلفة في بطولة العراق للشابات بكره السلة

  • JALAL KAMAL MOHAMMED Dept. Spor t Scienc es,College of Phys ica l E duc a tion a nd Sp or t Scienc es, University Of Duhok
  • JAMEEL AHMAD HUSSEIN Dept. Spor t Scienc es,College of Phys ica l E duc a tion a nd Sp or t Scienc es, University Of Duhok
  • DUNYA NAJAT College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Sulaimani


The aims of the research are to:
1-To know the most used shooting areas in the Iraqi Women Basketball Championship.
2-To know the percentages of using shooting areas for successful and unsuccessful attempts.
3- To know the teams with most successful and unsuccessful shooting.
The researchers used the descriptive method of the analytical survey style for its relevance to the
nature of the research problem, and the research community consisted of (72) young players who
participated in the Iraq Championship for Young Women Basketball, and the research sample
included (60) players from the teams (Aphrodite Club, Halabja Club, Darbandikhan Club Baban
Club and Zima Organization), with a percentage (83.33%(.
And indirect scientific observation was used by building a special form and analyzing all the
matches, and on the basis of it the results were extracted, unpacked, and then analyzed.
The researchers used statistical methods such as Arithmetic mean, standard deviation,
Coefficient of torsion and percentage.
The researchers concluded the following:
1-For the successful attempts, the best teams for the free throw was the Zema organization,
shooting for the corner the Baban team, shooting from the left corner the Darbandikhan youth
team, shooting from the right side the Darbandikhan team, shoot from the left side the
Darbandikhan youth team, and shooting under the basket was for the Halabja team.
2-The best success rate for all teams was shooting under the net, and the lowest success rate was
shooting from the right angle.
3-According to the failed attempts, the highest failure rate appeared for the free throws was for the
young women of the Zema organization, for the right angle shooting was for the young women of
Aphrodite, the shooting from the left corner were the young women of Darbandikhan shooting
from the left side, the highest failure rate was for Aphrodite's team and the shooting under the
basket, the most unsuccessful young women were the young women of the Halabja team.
4-The most unsuccessful area for shooting was the area under the basket, and the least failed area
for shooting was shooting from the right.
In light of these conclusions, the researchers recommended that all sports teams, especially the
games that include scoring and shooting, pay attention to analyzing the matches after they are over,
to find out the strengths to invest them more and the weaknesses to avoid them in the future.


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MOHAMMED, J. K., HUSSEIN, J. A., & NAJAT, D. (2020). تحليل نسبة التصويب الناجح والفاشل من المناطق المختلفة في بطولة العراق للشابات بكره السلة. مجلة جامعة دهوك, 23(2), 90-102. https://doi.org/10.26682/hjuod.2020.23.2.6
Humanities and Social Sciences